Rabu, 02 Oktober 2024

OTP-privacyidea libpam-oath

 Integrating libpam-oath with PrivacyIDEA can help you manage OTP (One-Time Password) authentication effectively. PrivacyIDEA is an open-source solution for managing two-factor authentication (2FA) and supports multiple authentication methods, including OTP.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to configuring libpam-oath with PrivacyIDEA:


  1. Linux Server: A Linux server where you have SSH access.
  2. PrivacyIDEA Installed: Make sure PrivacyIDEA is set up and running on your server.
  3. Install Required Packages: Ensure that libpam-oath is installed.

Step 1: Install libpam-oath

If libpam-oath is not already installed, you can install it using the package manager for your Linux distribution.

For Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libpam-oath

For Red Hat/CentOS:

sudo yum install epel-release sudo yum install pam_oath

Step 2: Configure PrivacyIDEA

  1. Set Up PrivacyIDEA:

    • Make sure PrivacyIDEA is properly configured. You should have at least one user configured with an OTP device.
    • Use the PrivacyIDEA web interface to create tokens (e.g., TOTP) for users.
  2. API Configuration:

    • Note the API endpoint for checking OTPs. It usually looks something like this:

    • Ensure that your server can access this endpoint.

Step 3: Configure libpam-oath

  1. Create or Edit the Configuration File:

    Open or create the OATH configuration file:

    sudo nano /etc/oath.conf
  2. Define Users:

    Instead of hardcoding the OTP secrets in this file, you will use the PrivacyIDEA API to validate OTPs. You can leave this file empty or define a placeholder if needed.

Step 4: Create a PAM Script for PrivacyIDEA

Since libpam-oath needs to call the PrivacyIDEA API to validate OTPs, you can create a simple script for this purpose.

  1. Create the Script:

    sudo nano /usr/local/bin/privacyidea_auth.sh
  2. Add the Following Script:

    This script will handle the communication between PAM and the PrivacyIDEA API.

    #!/bin/bash USERNAME="$1" OTP="$2" API_URL="https://<privacyidea-server>/privacyidea/api/tokens" API_USER="<api_user>" # API user with privileges to validate OTP API_PASS="<api_password>" # API user password # Send a request to PrivacyIDEA to validate the OTP RESPONSE=$(curl -s -u "$API_USER:$API_PASS" \ -X POST "$API_URL" \ -d "method=check" \ -d "username=$USERNAME" \ -d "otp=$OTP") # Check if the response is valid if echo "$RESPONSE" | grep -q '"status":"success"'; then exit 0 # OTP is valid else exit 1 # OTP is invalid fi

    Replace <privacyidea-server>, <api_user>, and <api_password> with your actual PrivacyIDEA server details.

  3. Make the Script Executable:

    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/privacyidea_auth.sh

Step 5: Configure PAM

  1. Edit the PAM Configuration:

    Open the PAM configuration file for SSH:

    sudo nano /etc/pam.d/sshd
  2. Add the Following Line:

    Add the following line to the configuration file to use the script for OTP validation:

    auth required pam_exec.so /usr/local/bin/privacyidea_auth.sh

Step 6: Update SSH Configuration (Optional)

  1. Edit the SSH Configuration:

    sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  2. Enable Challenge-Response Authentication:

    Ensure the following lines are set:

    ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes PasswordAuthentication yes

Step 7: Restart Services

After making the changes, restart the SSH service:

sudo systemctl restart sshd

Step 8: Test the Configuration

  1. SSH Login: Try logging in via SSH with a user that has an associated OTP device configured in PrivacyIDEA.

  2. OTP Prompt: After entering your username and password, you should be prompted for the OTP generated by the user's OTP device.


  • Logs: If you encounter issues, check the logs for PAM and SSH:

    sudo tail -f /var/log/auth.log # Debian/Ubuntu sudo tail -f /var/log/secure # Red Hat/CentOS
  • PrivacyIDEA Logs: Check PrivacyIDEA logs for any issues with API requests.

  • Script Errors: If the script fails, add debugging information by echoing responses to stdout or stderr.


By following these steps, you can successfully set up libpam-oath to work with PrivacyIDEA for OTP authentication. This setup enhances your system's security by requiring a unique one-time code along with the user’s password. Always ensure your configurations are secure and updated to maintain the integrity of your authentication system.

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