Senin, 29 November 2021



Unduh V10.0

Silahkan unduh FineReportV10.0 dari situs ini. Sebelum Anda memulai pengunduhan, pastikan Anda telah memiliki Kode Aktivasi,yang akan dikirim ke alamat email Anda secara langsung setelah Anda mengisi formulir aktivasi.

Untuk penggunaan pribadi, penggunaan FineReport sepenuhnya gratis. Untuk penggunaan perusahaan atau informasi lebih mengenai harga produk kami, silahkan hubungi bagian sales kami.


Unduh Penyebaran Server

Web kontainer beserta webapps yang diperlukan terintegrasi dalam paket ini. Tidak perlu untuk mengkonfigurasi lingkungan. Ini dapat dikerahkan secara langsung. Kontainer web yang tertanam adalah Tomcat 8.5.50 dan JDK adalah OpenJDK 1,8. Port standar adalah 8080.

Penyebaran Server Versi10.0

 Win 64

 Win 32



Untuk server Linux, jika masalah muncul ketika melihat template, silahkan jalankan command ini: yum install fontconfig, dan restart sistem.

Cara menggunakan deployment package

1. Klik package yang sesuai dengan OS Anda untuk memulai pengunduhan

2.Unzip package

3. Mulai web container dan lihat laporan di proyek laporan

>>Dokumen referensi penolong untuk instruksi mendetail

Ayo Mulai FineReport

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I. Overview

1) In a deployment package, JRE, Tomcat and FineReport project have been installed in advance. After unzipping, the deployment package can be used directly, free the need to deploy Tomcat.

2) This article describes the steps to utilize deployment package in Windows servers and Linux servers, using Windows 10 and CentOS 6 as examples.

3) Before using a deployment package, please check that your server has enough space for FineReport project, and it is recommended to reserve 2-4 G.

II. Utilize a deployment package in Windows

1. Download a deployment package

1) Go to the product download page via the official website (

2) In the  [Download a Deployment Package], find the package that matches your operating system and click to download.

2. Unzip the deployment package

1) Unzip the deployment package to a desired directory.

2) C drive is not recommended.

3. Start Tomcat

1) Go to folder bin in the deployment package and double click startup.bat.

2) Minimize the Tomcat window to let it run in the background.

4. Login the decision-making platform

Input http://localhost:8080/webroot/decision/ in the browser to enter the decision-making platform. Set the username and password.

5. Shutdown Tomcat

Go to folder bin and double click shutdown.bat to shutdown Tomcat.

III. Utilize a deployment package in Linux

1. Click to download a deployment package for Linux servers

Use your local PC to download the deployment package. The file after downloading takes tar.gz as the suffix.

2. Transmit the deployment package from local PC to the Linux server

In the picture below, the deployment package is transmitted to a folder named opt in the Linux server.

3. Unzip the deployment package

1) Use the commands below to unzip the deployment package.

cd opt/  # Change the current working directory to opt
ls # View all files and folders in opt to check whether the deployment package was successfully transmitted
chmod 770 tomcat-linux_ENG.tar.gz # Enable current user to access the deployment package
tar -zxvf tomcat-linux_ENG.tar.gz  # Unzip the deployment package

2) A folder named tomcat-linux_ENG is created after the unzipping.

ll # View all files and folders in opt, along with their detailed information
ls -l # Use this for Ubuntu

4. Start Tomcat

1) Change the current working directory to the folder named bin in the unzipped deployment package.

chmod 770 -R tomcat-linux_ENG # Enable current user to access the unzipped deployment package as well as the directories and files inside
cd tomcat-linux_ENG/bin/ # Change the current working directory to the folder named bin, which stores the startup and shutdown files of Tomcat

2) Run the file named

./ # Run the startup file of Tomcat

3) Check the status of Tomcat.

tail -f ../logs/catalica.out # Output Tomcat logs

The last 2 rows of log indicate that Tomcat was started normally and uses port 8080.

5. Login the decision-making platform

Input http://server ip:8080/webroot/decision/ in the browser of your local PC and set username and password.

6. Shutdown Tomcat

1) Run the file named in folder bin.


2) Kill remnant Tomcat processes.

ps -ef | grep tomcat # List all remnant Tomcat processes
kill -9 5013 5113 5114 # Kill the processes. 5013, 5113 and 5114 are IDs of Tomcat processes

IV. Solve abnormal conditions when using a deployment package for Linux servers

1. Fail to access reports after login the decision-making platform

1) Abnormal condition: The browser display the following error messages.

2) Solution: Install fontconfig in any folder in the Linux server.

yum instll fontconfig # Use this for CentOS
sudo apt-get install fontconfig # Use this for Utuntu


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