Aplikasi Reservasi Hotel Online
Online Hotel Booking System Pro v1.1
Online HOTEL BOOKINGFeature List:
Room ManagerYou can insert unlimited number of room based on room-type and capacity. Also you can insert maximum child in a room at the time of room insert but that feature is optional. you can leave blank if you don’t need child feature. |
Room TypeYou can insert unlimited room-type with facilities and unlimited image based on room type, capacity. |
Price Plan ManagerInsert price with day wise (e.g. mon , tue, wed …) and also you can insert unlimited seasonal price of a room-type by date range. |
Special OfferDefine unlimited special offer by date range based on room type and minimum night(optional). special offer calculate upon define percent (%)deduct from based price. |
Advance PaymentHere you can define percent( ) in each month where advance payment calculate define percent( ) of total price. |
Booking ListYou can View active Booking & booking archive by date range. also you can do cancel booking , price invoice and complete booking details with client details. |
Customer Look-upGet complete list of customer with booking list of particular client. |
Calendar ViewScript included two type of calendar view, one is admin side where you can view total number of room availability in each day. another is front-end search result where you can view availability of room with price in each day. |
Payment GatewayScript included six payment gateway. two gateway is manual and 4 is live.
MultilingualScript included 16 language. Multilingual features for both admin and front-end. you can set anyone as default language. Also you can delete language which you not need and can be add if you need another by copy & converting any language file.we use Google translator for translate. so you may not get proper meaning of word. you can edit language file easily by editor. Static text are display any of 16 language as per your selection. Admin menu, room type , capacity, and email text you can edit as your default language. customer notification email sent to default language. Languages included: Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish |
Multiple CurrencyYou can insert unlimited currency with auto EXCHANGE RATE |
Room BlockingRoom Blocking in particular date range. i.e. booking from desk and phone blocking feature will be use. its similar like fronend booking but no client details. |
Some Other features