Kamis, 28 Juli 2016


Tips Broadcast Live Streaming Lewat YouTube

Jika dulu broadcast streaming di Youtube perlu dilakukan menggunakan Google Hangouts, kini kita tidak perlu lagi melakukannya dengan platform berbeda. YouTube Creator studio, fitur yang kini dimiliki YouTube telah memiliki menu untuk membuat konten broadcast streaming secara langsung.
Penasaran seperti apa caranya, ikuti tips singkat berikut ini.
 1.Verifikasi akun YouTube
Setelah masuk ke menu Live Streaming di Dashboard Youtube, pertama-tama yang harus anda lakukan adalah memverifikasi akun YouTube anda. Yaitu dengan memasukan nomer ponsel anda, yang nantinya Google akan mengirimkan kode untuk anda masukan saat memverifikasi akun YouTube.
2.Setup Encoding
Setelah melakukan verifikasi, anda harus melakukan setup encoding. Ini diperlukan untuk menyesuaikan konten ke sistem YouTube agar bisa diunggah dan secara langsung juga dibroadcast. Untuk setup Encode, kita memerlukan aplikasi encoding. Salah satu contohnya yaitu Xplit Broadcaster, seperti yang akan kami gunakan dibawah ini. Sebagai contoh kami mengunduh aplikasi Xplit Broadcaster versi gratis berikut ini.
3.Authorize Account
Setelah itu anda akan diminta untuk malkukan otorisasi ke akun YouTube yang ingin anda gunakan untuk melakukan Broadcast streaming Live. Pilih menu Broadcast, lalu pilih icon settingyang ada di sebelah pojok kanan. Setelah itu akan muncul tampilan seperti berikut
Pilih Authorize, lalu masukan alamat gmail yang anda gunakan untuk akun YouTube anda. Setelah berhasil, akan muncul tampilan seperti ini.

4.Setting Kamera
Pilih perangkat kamera yang anda akan anda gunakan. Jika anda menggunakan Laptop atau notebook maka secara otomatis pilihan camera akan muncul pada kotak dialog yang berada di gambar berikut. (LenovoEasyCamera)
5.Setting Audio
Setting audio diperlukan untuk input suara yang akan anda siarkan melalui live streaming broadcast Anda. Untuk mengatur pilihan audio bisa anda pilih pada menu Tools>General Settings seperti gambar dibawah ini.
Kemudian muncul menu windows General Setting. Disana anda bisa memilih input dan output yang akan anda gunakan. Ada plihan microphone untuk broadcast, disini kami menggunakan perangkat XOX ES102. Selain itu ada pula pengaturan volume suara dan sebagainya.
6.Mulai Live Streaming
Setelah berhasil melakuan setup kamera dan audio, langkah berikutnya tinggal memulai streaming. Kembali ke menu Broadcast, pilih tanda ‘Play’ akan muncul menu seperti  dibawah ini.
9  10
Terakhir tinggal klik ‘Start Broadcast’ maka anda telah berhasil melakukan broadcast live streaming melalui YouTube.


Live streaming youtube

Tips Broadcast Live Streaming Lewat YouTube

Jika dulu broadcast streaming di Youtube perlu dilakukan menggunakan Google Hangouts, kini kita tidak perlu lagi melakukannya dengan platform berbeda. YouTube Creator studio, fitur yang kini dimiliki YouTube telah memiliki menu untuk membuat konten broadcast streaming secara langsung.
Penasaran seperti apa caranya, ikuti tips singkat berikut ini.
 1.Verifikasi akun YouTube
Setelah masuk ke menu Live Streaming di Dashboard Youtube, pertama-tama yang harus anda lakukan adalah memverifikasi akun YouTube anda. Yaitu dengan memasukan nomer ponsel anda, yang nantinya Google akan mengirimkan kode untuk anda masukan saat memverifikasi akun YouTube.
2.Setup Encoding
Setelah melakukan verifikasi, anda harus melakukan setup encoding. Ini diperlukan untuk menyesuaikan konten ke sistem YouTube agar bisa diunggah dan secara langsung juga dibroadcast. Untuk setup Encode, kita memerlukan aplikasi encoding. Salah satu contohnya yaitu Xplit Broadcaster, seperti yang akan kami gunakan dibawah ini. Sebagai contoh kami mengunduh aplikasi Xplit Broadcaster versi gratis berikut ini.
3.Authorize Account
Setelah itu anda akan diminta untuk malkukan otorisasi ke akun YouTube yang ingin anda gunakan untuk melakukan Broadcast streaming Live. Pilih menu Broadcast, lalu pilih icon settingyang ada di sebelah pojok kanan. Setelah itu akan muncul tampilan seperti berikut
Pilih Authorize, lalu masukan alamat gmail yang anda gunakan untuk akun YouTube anda. Setelah berhasil, akan muncul tampilan seperti ini.

4.Setting Kamera
Pilih perangkat kamera yang anda akan anda gunakan. Jika anda menggunakan Laptop atau notebook maka secara otomatis pilihan camera akan muncul pada kotak dialog yang berada di gambar berikut. (LenovoEasyCamera)
5.Setting Audio
Setting audio diperlukan untuk input suara yang akan anda siarkan melalui live streaming broadcast Anda. Untuk mengatur pilihan audio bisa anda pilih pada menu Tools>General Settings seperti gambar dibawah ini.
Kemudian muncul menu windows General Setting. Disana anda bisa memilih input dan output yang akan anda gunakan. Ada plihan microphone untuk broadcast, disini kami menggunakan perangkat XOX ES102. Selain itu ada pula pengaturan volume suara dan sebagainya.
6.Mulai Live Streaming
Setelah berhasil melakuan setup kamera dan audio, langkah berikutnya tinggal memulai streaming. Kembali ke menu Broadcast, pilih tanda ‘Play’ akan muncul menu seperti  dibawah ini.
9  10
Terakhir tinggal klik ‘Start Broadcast’ maka anda telah berhasil melakukan broadcast live streaming melalui YouTube.



Download and Install Apache Directory Studio on Ubuntu 12.04

In this post, I am going to walk step by step on how to install Apache Directory Studio. In my previous post, I had walked through the steps to install ApacheDS as a LDAP on Ubuntu http://opendesignarch.blogspot.com/2012/12/download-and-install-ldap-on-ubuntu.html

Now, to install Apache Directory Studio, you need to first access the site http://directory.apache.org/ to check for the latest release of the Studio.

You will see a screen as below

At the time of this post, version 1.5.3 was the most stable version available. To proceed, access the link for Apache Directory Studio 1.5.3 on the navigation pane on the left. You will see the following screen.

Click the link for downloading the Linux version.

For my machine, I chose the 64 bit version Linux x86_64. Once downloaded, I copied the installation to my software folder from my downloads folder.

Now, to install this open a terminal window and unzip the tar.gz file. In my case, the command is as follows

> tar -xvf ApacheDirectoryStudio-linux-x86_64-1.5.3.v20100330.tar.gz

This will unzip the contents as follows.

We can see that a new folder has been created with the unzipped contents. Not only that, it also contains an executable for the Studio program.

Let's go ahead and execute the application by entering the following.

> ./ApacheDirectoryStudio

Hitting enter show a splash screen for the program.

This will be followed by the directory studio loading with a blank screen.

The first step is to connect to an LDAP instance. In a previous post, I had walked through the steps for installing a LDAP server on your Ubuntu machine. Let's go ahead and connect to that LDAP server. To do so, click on the LDAP top level menu and click on menuitem “New Connection ,,,”

I entered the following details on my connection window

Name: apacheds (any random name that you can understand will do)
Hostname: ub1204.arthgallo.com (a fully qualified domain name I created by entering a dummy one in the /etc/hosts file)
Port: 10389 (This is the default port on which apacheds is installed.)
Encryption method: No encryption method

Clicking on button for “Check Network Parameter”, confirms that we have the right credentials.

Click OK to close the modal dialog, and click Next to enter credentials. Enter the following parameters in the next screen.

Authentication Method: Simple Authentication
Bind DN or user: uid=admin,ou=system (This is the default for a fresh apacheds install.)
Bind password: secret (This is the default for a fresh apacheds install.)

Click on the button “Check Authentication” to confirm if the parameters are entered correctly.

Great! Click OK to close the modal dialog and click on “Next” to get to the following screen.

It shows a screen, where you can enter additional details, but I did not change anything on this screen and moved ahead.

Finally, on the last screen, the Studio application prompts you to modify some preferences. Once again, I did not change anything.

Now, click Finish, and you should be able to see the following screen.

Now we can see our Directory server setup and correctly installed.

Next we will configure this environment. A few things we need to configure include setting up the password. In this step, we will change the password.

Click on the following nodes to expand the following sub-nodes on the tree control on the LDAP browser.

ROOT > ou=system > uid=admin

After selecting, uid=admin, you will be shown an attribute called userPassword.

Double-clicking the attribute, will open a dialog box where we can update the userPassword. First, we need to re-enter the old password (which was the word “secret” for the default installation).

Entering the default password, and clicking on “Verify” button, will show a dialog box as shown below.

Next, we need to enter the new password. For that click on the “Ok” button to go back to the Password Editor and click on the “New Password” tab.

Enter the new password, and if needed change the encryption method. I left the encryption method as the default “SHA”, but did enter a new password, as shown below.

That'sit! The password is now changed.

Now, we have configured our LDAP server and shown how to configure the default password.

Have fun

OpenSSH ubuntu 12

Download and Install OpenSSO on Ubuntu

Installing OpenAM (OpenSSO) on Tomcat 7 on Ubuntu 12.04

For a project recently, I wanted to integrate OpenSSO with Joomla and Tomcat. The first step was finding and installing OpenSSO. Problem was I could not find where to download OpenSSO from. Turns out Oracle killed OpenSSO as a download a few years ago, and it has been re-incarnated as OpenAM or Open Access Management.

First step was to download and install OpenAM. And this is the topic of this blog post.

Pre-requisites and Downloads

I am assuming that Tomcat 7 is already installed on your Ubuntu box. If not, follow the steps outlined in my previous posthttp://opendesignarch.blogspot.com/2012/10/how-to-install-tomcat-7-on-ubuntu-1204.html

Now lets proceed with installing OpenAM. Open a browser windows and access the website http://openam.forgerock.org/

 Access the download page link from the main web site. (http://forgerock.org/openam.html)

I downloaded the latest Stable version called OpenAM 10.0.0

Access the Install Guide as part of the site Wiki

We will follow the Install guide step by step to setup the Open AM environment. First step is to copy the downloaded file to a location, where we can extract it....

Interestingly, unzipping the zip file creates a folder called opensso, as shown below

Ensuring a Fully Qualified Domain Name

The next step as per the install guide is to ensuring that the machine has a fully qualified domain name. That is easy to do. Open a terminal window on Ubuntu and type the following.

> sudo gedit /etc/hosts

This ensures that we can edit the hosts file.

Now make a fully qualified domain entry in the hosts file for the IP address. Mine looks as follows ub1204.arthgallo.com

Now save the file and exit. Just to make sure, we have got everything setup correctly, open a browser window and type the fully qualified domain name you just created.

And, I see the following page, from my local Apache installation.

Not only that, I can also enter

http://ub1204.arthgallo.com:8080/ and I can see my Tomcat installation.

Configuring Tomcat 7 prior to installation

It is important that the Tomcat 7 instance is able to handle the memory requirements for OpenAM. In order to achieve this, we need to first shut down Tomcat and alter some configuration parameters. To stop the Tomcat service enter the following on the command line.

> sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat7 stop

Now, we need to edit the configuration parameters such that there is adequate memory for OpenAM to load correctly.

To do this we must change the JAVA_OPTS that are used to run the process. Navigate to /usr/share/tomcat7/bin folder and open the file setenv.sh in a text editor.

It is important to confirm, why we are editing the setenv.sh file, when the first instinct is to change the JAVA_OPTS in the startup.sh file. However, that points to catalina.sh. The file catalina.sh clearly states that any Java parameters for Tomcat should be altered through the CATALINA_OPTS parameter. Further, we find that catalina.sh suggests that any custom changes be done through a setenv.sh file so it can be maintained going forward. Hence, the reason for editing the setenv.sh file.

> cd /usr/share/tomcat7/bin

> sudo gedit setenv.sh

In my case, the setenv.sh file did not exist previously. So the editor created a new file with that name. Now add the following lines in the setenv.sh file

CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"

Next, save and close the file. Once, we closed the file it is very important to give execute permissions to setenv.sh. We do this by entering the following on the command prompt.

> sudo chmod a+x *.sh

We can confirm that the setenv.sh has now been marked as an executable.

Copying over the .war file

Now, I can deploy the openam.war simply by copying the .war file that is included in the distribution into the Tomcat webapps folder as below.

On my machine the webapps folder is at /var/lib/tomcat7, and I unzipped the contents of the OpenAM download at ~/Work/Servers/OpenAM. The deployable .war file is at the location ~/Work/Servers/OpenAM/opensso/deployable-war.

> cd ~/Work/Servers/OpenAM/opensso/deployable-war

> sudo cp opensso.war /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps

Now that the deployable .war file is copied, it is time for the next step.

Giving tomcat7 user write permissions

The next step that is very important is to give the Tomcat user write permissions on the tomcat folder. Turns out that this does not happen by default.

We need to issue the following commands on the command prompt.

> sudo chgrp -R tomcat7 /usr/share/tomcat7
> sudo chmod -R g+w /usr/share/tomcat7

Starting the Tomcat 7 service

Before starting the service, I wanted to make sure that the new configuration parameters for Java run time actually took effect. So, I took a quick look at my CPU and memory before starting the Tomcat 7 process. It looked like this...

Now lets start Tomcat7. We can start the service as follows

> sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat7 start

Now we can see the impact on memory, of our configuration changes.

Configuring OpenAM

Next step is to configure OpenAM. It is very important to access the browser with the fully qualified domain name.

In my case, it is http://ub1204.arthgallo.com:8080/opensso.

MAKE SURE you enter your Fully Qualified Domain Name ONLY in the browser.

Entering this I am shown the following screen.

Now, I am ready to start configuring the opensso instance, which will be the subject of my next post where we configure this OpenSSO installation against ApacheDS.