Jumat, 14 November 2014

How To Create A Wine Shortcut – Ubuntu 14.04

How To Create A Wine Shortcut – Ubuntu 14.04

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You can create by hand a desktop shortcut for your applications installed with wine by following these steps:
  1. Open your favourite text editor (geditnano, etc.), create a new file with the following content and save it to your Desktop with a name having extension .desktopIn this example, I’ve chosen to the name inetexplorer.desktop and saved it to my desktop.
    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=Internet Explorer
    Exec=wine "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
    Here, replace the value for Name field with that of the target application’s name. (In the example, it’s Internet Exolorer.) The value of Exec would be in the format:
    wine "C:\path to the\executable file"
    (for GUI applications)
    wineconsole "C:\path to the\executable file"
    (for CLI application) like say
    wine "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
    (enclosing the path within double quotes ".. .." is important if the path contain blank spaces.)
    Replace /path/to/iconfile (the value for Icon field) with the path of an icon file (likeIcon=/home/username/Pictures/internet-explorer.png) or you can omit this line of entry.
    On the left is a shortcut with icon specified, for the one on right, not. iconField
  2. Turn on the file’s execute bit on.Graphically you can do it by right clicking the .desktop file, and from the context menu selectProperties. In the properties window, select Permission tab, look for a label Execute: and check-mark the check-box next to it so that the shortcut becomes executable.
    selecting property from right-click context menu rightClickTheFile
    setting execute permission executableProperty
    From terminal, you can do this with:
    chmod +x $USER/Desktop/inetexplorer.desktop
    where $USER/Desktop/inetexplorer.desktop should be the absolute path of the desktop shortcut that was created.

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