Minggu, 21 Agustus 2022

DOCKER-ibm power ppc64le


Install Docker on Linux running on IBM Power Systems servers

Step-by-step instructions to install Docker version 19.03.8 and CLI on Ubuntu 18.04.5 (Bionic), Ubuntu 16.04.7 (Xenial), and CentOS 7


Docker is an open source platform that you can use to deploy, run, and manage containers. It enables you to separate your applications from the infrastructure to deliver software quickly.

In Docker version 19.03, the client and container runtime are in separate packages providing more security, additional features for logging and runtime, and so on compared to the earlier versions.

This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions to install Docker version 19.03.8 and CLI on Ubuntu 18.04.5 (Bionic), Ubuntu 16.04.7 (Xenial), and CentOS 7.


Before beginning with installing Docker 19.03, make sure that the following system requirements are fulfilled.

  • Platform: Linux® on IBM Power Systems server
  • Browser: Mozilla Firefox

Estimated time

Estimated time to install Docker Engine and CLI by following the steps in this tutorial is less than 5 minutes per system.

Installing Docker

For Ubuntu 18.04.5 (Bionic), Ubuntu 16.04.7 (Xenial), and CentOS 7, you can download the packages from: https://oplab9.parqtec.unicamp.br/pub/ppc64el/docker/version-19.03.8/

For Ubuntu, you need to download the .deb files and for CentOS, download the .rpm files.

Installing Docker on Ubuntu 18.04.5 (Bionic)

Perform the following steps to install Docker 19.03.8 on Bionic:

  1. Remove the older version of Docker.
    sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker.io containerd runc

  2. Install containerd. Because this version of Docker requires containerd 1.2.1 or later, and can be updated from the default repositories, you can install containerd directly using the following command:
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install containerd

  3. Download the .deb packages:

  4. Install the packages:
    sudo dpkg -i docker-ce-cli_19.03.8~3-0~ubuntu-bionic_ppc64el.deb docker-ce_19.03.8~3-0~ubuntu-bionic_ppc64el.deb

Installing Docker on Ubuntu version 16.04.7 (Xenial)

Perform the following steps to install Docker 19.03.8 on Xenial:

  1. Remove the older version of Docker:
    sudo apt-get remove docker docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-engine docker.io containerd runc

  2. Install containerd. Note that because this version of Docker requires containerd 1.2.1 or later, and can be updated from the default repositories, you can install containerd directly using the following command:
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install containerd

  3. Download the .deb packages:

  4. Install the Docker packages:
    sudo dpkg -i docker-ce-cli_19.03.8~3-0~ubuntu-xenial_ppc64el.deb docker-ce_19.03.8~3-0~ubuntu-xenial_ppc64el.deb

Installing Docker on CentOS 7

Perform the following steps to install Docker 19.03.8 on CentOS 7:

  1. Remove the older version of Docker.

    sudo yum remove docker \
      docker-client \
      docker-client-latest \
      docker-common \
      docker-latest \
      docker-latest-logrotate \
      docker-logrotate \
      docker-engine \
      docker-ce \
  2. Install containerd.

    • Check if the epel repository is installed.
      yum update
      rpm -qa | grep epel
    • If it is not installed, install it:
      yum install epel-release
    • Run the following command to install containerd:
      sudo yum --enablerepo="epel" install containerd
  3. Download the .rpm packages.

  4. Install these packages.
    sudo rpm -i docker-ce-cli-19.03.8-3.el7.ppc64le.rpm docker-ce-19.03.8-3.el7.ppc64le.rpm


In this tutorial we have described how to install Docker on Linux running on IBM Power Systems servers.

After completing installation, refer to the post-installation steps for Linux.

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