Kamis, 30 Mei 2019

Install thingsboard raspberry

Install thingsboard on raspberry Pi

Here we will see, how to install thingsboard on raspberry Pi. In similar way, you can install thingsbord on Linux system.
1)Open terminal on Raspberry Pi
2)Execute following command to update the existing package
sudo apt-get update
3)To use or install thingsboard on Raspberry Pi , you need to install a  java on thingsboard. To install java execute the following command
sudo apt-get install default-jre

4)Execute the following command to check java version. If it is showing version 1.8.0_181 or higher version means java is installed successfully.
java -version
5)Execute the following command to download the thingsboard.
sudo wget https://github.com/thingsboard/thingsboard/releases/download/v2.2/thingsboard-2.2.deb
6)downloaded thingsboard file is in deb format. Execute the following command to unpack .deb file
sudo dpkg -i thingsboard-2.2.deb
7)Execute the following command to install  the thinsgboard.
sudo /usr/share/thingsboard/bin/install/install.sh –loadDemo

After executing the above command , you should get message Thingsboard installed successfully. if you get  message Thingsboard installed successfully  means Thingsboard installed successfully on raspberry Pi.

8)Execute the following command to start the thingsboard service
sudo service thingsboard start
9)after starting thingsboard service wait for 2 minutes and then execute the following command . Thingsboard uses port 1883 and 8080. Execute the following command to check ports open on raspberry Pi. If it is showing port 1883 and 8080 means thingsboard ports are open. please see the below image
netstat -lptn

If ports 1883 and 8080 are not open on thingsboard then only follow the following steps. If ports are opened on thingsboard then directly start from step 14
10)To open port on raspberry Pi you need to install firewall configuration. Execute the following command to install firewall configuration.
sudo apt-get install ufw
11)Execute the following commands to open port 8080 and 1883
sudo ufw allow 8080
sudo ufw allow 1883
12)Execute the following command to enable firewall rules
sudo ufw enable
13)Execute the following command to check opened ports on thingsboard. If it is showing port 8080 and 1883 means ports are opened successfully.
netstat -lptn

14) Open any browser on raspberry Pi and enter following URL to access thingsboard

Congrats you have successfully installed thingsboard on raspberry Pi.


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